понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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In the library. Early break and waiting for ele to finish her lesson so we can lunch tgt then work on posters and propaganda for swimming/lifesaving... Recruitment this wed/thurs and i just heard from eve they have a booth outside the library ha ha why donapos;t we have one? unless we do and no one knows about it... Lol

so, anyone interested in becoming a lifeguard or swimming competitively and joining lifesaving competitions please to join us and take flyers for information... Trials will be held next friday 6pm by the pool. We need new blood man, new blood... Weapos;ve got too few competitiors.

So am trying to get inspiration now by choosing a high desk com where i can have a good overlook of the triangular gardens and unfortunately mensa... *drools* am hungry already ele faster faster come outtttttt of your classssss

I suddenly feel damn restless, damn dead. I have to go collect my thumbdrive from cham at the pool but i just canapos;t move. Will wait for espbllt to come out before making my decision. Ok after typing here for awhile my fore arms ache at a certain part where i lean it on the edge... Very uncomfortable.

this post is damn messy and random.
bah i cant wait for thursday. U-theatre first session wonder what kinda people iapos;ll be mixing with... Hmmm
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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A reminder of NaNoWriMo came in the mail today. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll participate this year, I just donapos;t have the time. I write so slowly and what with Hauru taking a lot of my time... Iapos;d never make it and whatapos;s the point of competing if you canapos;t win :P

Thereapos;s a dog show today that I promised to go to sometime ago. Iapos;m probably going to have severe separation anxiety...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I canapos;t believe I let myself go under. I canapos;t believe I let myself kiss you and be kissed by you. I despise you, you butcher feelings. You butcher the meaning of intimacy. You butcher everything associated with a relationship. Sheapos;s always going to be there, I know. Sheapos;s always going to be the one you want. She is always going to be the first choice. Iapos;m sloppy seconds. Fuck me, fuck her. Itapos;s a see-saw of feelings with you. I want so badly to be rid of you, but Iapos;m addicted to the energy that comes with being alone, just us. You have something about you that I see.

Fuck you for bringing me down to your level of playing this game. Fuck myself for making myself think Iapos;m stronger than I am. Fuck myself for being so gdamn nice to you. I dot hings for you, I do for NO ONE else and you canapos;t see the special side. You canapos;t see that I put you on a podium, WAY HIGHER THAN ANYONE ELSE.

Iapos;m sloppy seconds, second helpings.
Iapos;m the ugly girl that never wins homecoming.
Iapos;m the nerd no one picks for their team.

this is the worst day, ever, probably.

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It is so scary to know how fast our lives can change. I am not going to talk metaphors here. I had this really big fight with the boy and I dont know what to do. I dont know know much longer I can wait for him without going crazy.
Boys, you need to understand that girls just need to know that they are loved. Thats it. We deal with all your moods, fears, and AC/DC records and still love you for the egocentric, hurtful bundles you are sometimes. And thats okay, we are not perfect either, but we need to know how you feel about us.
It breaks my heart to know that this will be over soon. Ive been waiting so long and Ive had so much hope for us. But its all slowly fading away.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I read a blog entry elsewhere today that became a diatribe about American schools and teachers.� Essentially, the argument went, the problem is teachers who arenapos;t well trained and donapos;t work, hard, and�schools that are inefficiently run.� Thatapos;s why other countries have better test scores for their kids.� According to this post, the entire public school system should be scrapped.�


I donapos;t think American teachers are any less educated than their foreign counterparts, or less dedicated or less passionate, nor do they know less about how to teach.� If I wanted an explanation for lower test scores, I wouldnapos;t lay it at the feet of our methodologies either.� Indeed, some of our students soar, become the movers and shakers of our time, and are the inventors and creators of new technology.�

So, whatapos;s the problem?� One is how we measure student achievement, particularly at the middle and high school level.� Many of the other countries donapos;t test all their kids.� They test the ones in their academic tracked schools.� We test them all, so our overall scores donapos;t compare well.

But I think arguing about the testing begs the question.� Regardless of what other countries are doing, why donapos;t our kids do better?� Why are so many of them below "proficient" for what they should achieve at their grade level?

I think you have to go back to the fact that many of our kids do excel.� If the system was no good, no one would succeed, but many do.� If you have two kids of�basically the same ability and potential�in the same class with the same teacher, doing the same work, and one does really well while the other one sinks, it canapos;t be the school or teacherapos;s fault.� The problem has to be in the behavior of the kids themselves.� Itapos;s clear to me that many of our kids have no inner drive and they are not being pushed from home to do better.

If that is the case, the problem with our schools is cultural.� Teachers can do a lot, and they do do a lot, but they canapos;t make�kids who do not value learning, or do not see work as beneficial, or do not have a fundamental sense of responsibility, or take no pride in doing the best that they can,�become responsible, hard working, caring students.

Also, studies show that what happens to a child in the first year of life is way more important than we once thought.� Some children are exposed to thousands of more words a day, and they have more enriching exchanges with their parents than others.� The parents whose only interactions with their child are "Donapos;t touch that."� "Pick that up,"� "Stop being noisy," etc., donapos;t do the same developmental work as a parent who is playing eye spy, asking questions, playing word games, talking to the child, etc.� Some researchers suggest that what happens in a childapos;s first year may shape the rest of their ability to learn for the rest of their lives.

My wife has been the Gifted and Talented teacher in elementary schools.� She said that they run into two kinds of gifted kids at that level.� The first are the students who just seemed to be born with better equipment.� They donapos;t need as many repetitions to learn something.� They see relationships and make connections more easily.� They are more curious.� The second type, though, appear to have a more ordinary set of tools to start with, but they are "environmentally gifted."� They had parents who always read to them, who gave them numerous enriching experiences, who always were working with the kids on how to learn.

I think we can only do so much to improve how are kids learn by improving the schools and teaching.� Unless the kids are given the right stimulation and encouragement at home (much more than many of them get now), we will constantly run into a road block for improvement.

The work to improve the schools is admirable.� Thereapos;s always room to improve, but the efforts will be wasted as long as we say the primary entity responsible for a studentapos;s success is the school

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Well, apparently some people are reading and enjoying this from far, far away, so I�will continue writing for your enjoyment. (and posting pictures of my growing belly, of course) Today, I�am feeling fairly good again. I think I�have learned that if I�eat something close to bedtime (last night it was Ramen noodles), then I�feel much better the next morning in relation to nausea. (which is strange since the opposite is normally true when I�am not pregnant, but I am learning many new things these days).

My mother in law and niece are coming for a visit this weekend, so they will be the first to see "the belly"�up close and personal (besides Chad and Truman of course). I�may be busy and not get anything posted until next week, so everyone have a lovely weekend
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I feel so much better this week. Its amazing how much better you can feel after you take lots of Benadryl. For those of you that donapos;t know, I had some kind of allergic reaction to something. I never figured out what it was but it made me feel really crappy. It started like last Sunday. I eventually went to the doctor and he told me that it was some kind of contact dermatitis. We told me to take Benadryl and he prescribed some steroid pills for me to take. So as of Monday, in only two days time, Iapos;m already feeling better and most of it has went away. Iapos;ve just felt much better this week in general. Iapos;m getting more sleep, getting my homework done on time and I already have plans to hang out with friends this weekend. I suppose last week was just an off week. Iapos;ve had a lovely day today. That just makes me feel so freaking awesome.

- Shaun.
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